Saturday, June 22, 2013

Finally, a playground update!

Audrea (Jonathan's Mom): Yes, it's been a long time since we updated!  Our personal lives have been extremely busy and overwhelming for a while.  We weren't able to go to Uganda this summer for multiple reasons, but that is okay!  Christie and George welcomed a new baby into the family on March 11, 2013!! That is actually Jonathan's birthday and he was so excited to share it with baby Frank!  While they were in the States they stopped by for a little visit with us.  While they were here we discussed the playground.  We all want the playground to be one that will last practically forever and will require minimum upkeep.  There will be many children playing on the playground; there are at least 300 just in the school, plus ones that aren't in school.  It must be sturdy.  We also don't want one that will rust, so wood is the best option.  The materials for a wooden playground are expensive.  There are many needs in the village that outweigh a playground.  However, there are plans for a great playground for the children.  Christie and George realize that's a lot of money to raise and they have a section of the playground for Jonathan to raise money for.  Jonathan has raised $920 so far.  The cost of the section they have assigned for Jonathan will cost $1,500 as long as the cost of materials don't fluctuate too much.  So, that leaves us with $580 to go.  The section for Jonathan is the swings.  There will be three rows of 10 swings.  The rows will be kind of S shaped.  It will be great!  Then as time goes by, they can add other sections.

Like I said, there are so many needs in Bugabo village that outweigh a playground.  For example, they have a children's home that needs funds for the children's basic needs.  That's just one of the many needs.  If you'd like to help with those needs, go to and donate to Ekubo Ministries.  There's great need and God uses His people to fulfill the needs of "the least of these." 

If you live in Alexander City (mine and Christie's hometown) think Imagination Station. (click to see pics; the top slide) When we lived in Alex City I took Jonathan there a lot and he really enjoyed it.  It is a very sturdy playground.

As far as us going to Uganda, I long to go back and Jonathan and Michael want to go with me.  Several things have gotten in the way of that.  However, God's timing is perfect and it will happen at the right time. 

Love Feeds is STILL waiting on our 501c3 approval.  It has been over a year since we turned it in.  It has been over 2 months since they started working on it and I sent them the requested information.  Please pray that it is approved soon.  It will allow for more donations and help us to help those in need!

With love,
Audrea :)

An updated family pic of us on Father's Day 2013
(this was also our last day at the TN Hemophilia Chapter's Annual Meeting!)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Help Fund the Playground AND the Clinic!!

I (Audrea, Jonathan's mom) have had MANY compliments on photos from my trip to Bugabo Village, Uganda last year.  This photo in particular gets more compliments than the others.  So, I added the verse and now have it in a 16X20 Faux Canvas!!  (NOTE: The copyright isn't on the canvas.)   Anyone who donates $10 will get 1 entry and for every $5 after, gets another entry, and guess what?  You get 1 entry JUST for sharing!  So, please comment on the blog OR Facebook (if you and I are fb friends) and let me know that you shared.  You can only get 1 entry for sharing, even if you share more than once.  Please feel free to share more than once though! :) 

As it's stated in the title of the post, the funds that are raised will go towards the playground.  It will also go towards the clinic that Ekubo Ministries is building in the village.   We are working on other fundraisers for the playground as well.  We hope to be doing a HUGE yard sale soon! :)  Not sure what else.   So, get to donating and sharing!! :)  (You can donate through the button on this page OR send a check/Money order to Love Feeds P.O. Box 110651 Nashville,TN 37222).

*******Ann Jones won!!!!**********

Thank You!!
Blessings to you all,
Audrea (Jonathan and Michael, too! )

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Sometimes plans change and Jonathan's Birthday Wish!!!

Hi all! This is Jonathan's mom, Audrea.  If you are friends w/us on FB you know that Jonathan had 3 seizures in a 36hour period.  He had never had seizures before.  It was VERY SCARY!!  They found out that he has Benign Focal Epilepsy.  This is a lower form.  He hasn't had anymore since then, thank God!!  He may never have another one, but if he does he should grow out of it by age 14-16.  We decided that it would be wise for us to "wait and see" how this goes and Jonathan go to Bugabo Village with me next year.  Then, God laid a bigger plan on my heart!!  I will not go this year.  This still saddens me at times because it's hard to imagine a whole 2 years between trips to see the amazing people of Bugabo Village.  God has given us a plan that involves getting our personal finances in order, getting healthier (i'm having some health problems as well), and get better funding in place for our non-profit. (More info about Love Feeds check us out on FB or click here ).  Then in Summer 2013, we (all 3 of us) will go serve the village for 3-4 weeks.  God has given us peace about this plan and we are exciting to see what He is going to do through each of us!!  We want to be His hands and feet to a broken world!

Also, Sunday, March 11 is Jonathan's 11th birthday!!!  What does he want for his birthday??  He wants everyone to donate any amount towards building the playground for the children of Bugabo Village.    Please give and spread the word for him!!  Right now we have $135 towards the playground that will cost at least $800.  We are working with Christie and George Magera ,of Ekubo Ministries , who live there in the village and serve them on a daily basis.  Anything we raise over the cost of the playground will go toward the vital clinic they are building in their village! If you would like to donate online, use the donate tab on this page.  Make note that it is for the playground.  You may also send a check/money order to Love Feeds, Inc. P.O. Box 110651 Nashville,TN 37222.  Any questions, you can email us at .  Also, our 501c3 status is pending, so your donations will be tax detuctible upon our approval.  Thank you! :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

An introduction....

Hi! I'm Jonathan.  I'm a 10yr old from Nashville, TN. (Sidenote: I will be 11 in March!)  Some of you may know my mom, Audrea (she's helping me write these blogs! HA!).  She's the founder of Love Feeds, Inc.  Last year my mom went on a mission trip to Bugabo Village, Uganda, East Africa.  Our friends, Christie and George Magera, are missionaries there.  Their ministry is called Ekubo Ministries.  Ekubo is Lugandan for "The Way".  They are helping the men, women, and children of Bugabo in many ways and most importantly showing them that Jesus is "The Way"!!  I love seeing the pictures and videos of the children in the village.  When my mom came back from her trip, she shared her pictures and videos.  I started wanting to go before my mom's trip, but after her trip I have wanted to go even more!

My "resolution" for 2012 is to go to Bugabo Village!!  Some may think that this is crazy for many reasons.  One being the fact that I have severe Hemophilia B.  It is a blood clotting disorder. My blood has less than 1% of factor 9.  That keeps my blood from clotting like it's suppose to.  I sometimes have bleeds inside my joints, muscles, and tissue.  My mom infuses me 3 times a week to prevent bleeds.  I don't have as many bleeds as I use to because of that.  I will not let that stop me!! Hemophilia keeps me from playing football and some other things that are considered "normal".  My mom has taught me to focus on what I can do instead of what I can't! That's really hard for me at times because I do love football!! I have played baseball for 4 seasons though.  I'm determined to not let it hold me back from this trip!! We will take lots of factor (the meds I am infused with through a port) and my supllies with us.  Mom will infuse me every other day.  Most of all, we will have FAITH that God will keep us safe while showing His love to the people there.  :)

I conquered one obstacle that was standing in my waya little over a month ago! See, I am afraid of heights.  So, i've been scared to fly.  I had never flown until Dec. 4, 2011.  Our friend, Sarah, took me on a one day trip to Panama City Beach, FL in order to see if I could handle flying.  Guess what!! I LOVE FLYING!!! :)  I even got to go into the cockpit, talk to the captain, and sit in his chair! :) (see pic below)

So, now we're planning my first trip to Bugabo Village with my mom.  As I said earlier, I love seeing the pics and videos from the village, but some make me sad.  I remember one where a little girl was digging through the trash.  She was trying to find something to play with.  That pic made me cry.  I felt so sad for this little girl.  There have been other pics of the children playing with sticks or bicycle tires.  My mom took a pic of a ball made from trash.  (see below)  Recently my mom showed me an article about a 9yr old girl who helped raise money for a playground for a children's home in Uganda.  This is something I would love to do for the children of Bugabo Village!  A playground is something that we take advantage of here.  There are several playgrounds here in my city that I enjoy.  Will you help me give the children of Bugabo Village a playground??   We will also be taking children's clothes, Bibles, and other things they need in the village.  We will be taking baby formula for babies in need there.  Some babies' moms have died, some moms have HIV/AIDS and can't naturally feed their babies.  Formula is a lifesaver for them!! You can help with any of that as God leads you!  There's a "Donate" button on the left side of this page.  You can donate directly through there.  If you want it to go toward the playground ONLY, please write "PG" in the subject line.  I will also be needing to raise funds for my trip there.  If you'd like to donate towards that, write Jon in the subject or "both" if you'd like funds to be split between the two. :) 

Some of the children in Bugabo Village

The "Ball"

We will keep everyone updated on different fundraisers we do and anything else that we feel led to talk about.  Please Share!!

Thanks for reading!
